This was too cute, not to share.
I heard someone barking up under the lean-to. Took a peak out the window, and Mona is just carrying on. I thought she was probably barking at her roomie, or next door, but, she's looking out toward the
middle paddock-outside the runs. Of course, by then, a few others are barking (not sure they see what she sees). So, I go up there to see if she is seeing things, or if there really is something out there.
I get up there, and look just outside the runs, and don't see anything right away. Upon further investigation, I find that Mona has saved us from-----------the killer baby turtle!!
I picked it up, and took him/her up to the pond. When I left, it had not stuck its head out of the shell. Hopefully, it finds it way to the pond (only inches away), and stays away from the dog yard.
How it got there, is beyond me, because the dog yards are probably a good 200+ yards south of the pond.