The newest addition to my furry family has turned out to be my troublemaker. His name, Apollo.
Case in point.
Throughout the week, I alternate nights with my kids and Harry's seniors to sleep in the house at night. Last night it was time for my kids. Now, normally, they're all pretty good, but, for some reason, Mr. Apollo has taken akin to creating havoc. And last night was one of those nights.
I had woken up about 2 in the morning and made a trip to the bathroom. While in there, I hear a noise that sounds as though someone is chewing on something that was not acceptable. I had toys out for them, but, this did not sound like one of those toys. It sounded like plastic. When I came out of the bathroom, I find little Miss Hope chewing on some sort of plastic. I get the chewed piece of whatever, to try to decipher what it was in its former life. It turned out, it was an empty black ink cartridge from a printer.
Now, I had this cartridge sitting on the table (far enough away, so I thought) waiting to take it to the big store for recycling.
Apparently, the dogs had other ideas. And I say dogs because, as I know how Hope can get herself into trouble without help, I knew someone else's paws had a paw in this.
And as it turned out, also had a face in it.
As you see in the pictures, it was Apollo, because he is one of two of my kids who counter surf. The other one is Emily. And while she counter surfs, she counter surfs for food.
And speaking of food, I found remnants of plastic all over the floor. What is this from, I'm wondering. Well, it dawned on me, it was the remainder of a loaf of bread that was sitting on top of the bread box, as the box had a full loaf inside. Somehow, I think Apollo had his paws on this as well, because I don't think Emily could have reached it. But, I may be wrong, but, I don't think so.
That was my early morning experience. Cleaning up bread wrapper, and mopping the ink from the floor. Bathing Hope and Apollo would have to wait.