On Wednesday, Nov. 4, Apollo (Foxfire Dig's Lone Star) came to the USA from South
Africa, via Delta airlines. This is a pup that had been negotiated between Cheryl Battey and myself for about 4 years, and he is finally here.
I had to go to DFW airport and get the pup. I had been to Delta cargo a few times, many years ago, but, I don't remember it being as difficult to find as it was this time. I had an idea of where it was, and thought I would play it safe and take directions from Yahoo with me, just to be sure. As it turns out, the directions were of no use, and after driving around aimlessly for about 30 min., I thought it best to stop and get directions. Well, even all of DFW employees don't know how to get there. The person I had asked called Delta (thank goodness I had the number with me), and got directions. I could find American and Continental, but, not Delta. And as it turns out, Delta was right by Continental (which after driving aimlessly, is what I had deduced), but, getting there was a whole 'nother story.
Delta really needs to place their signs (of which I saw only 2) better.
I finally got there, and waited.
Apparently, I am not the only one with difficulty finding Delta cargo, as another lady had come in waiting for a 5 month parrot. While talking, the lady behind the counter had heard part of the conversation, and picked up that my pup was coming from South Africa. She then mentioned to me that I would need to go to customs. Oh great. I hope it is easier to find than customs in Houston. (That was a nightmare, when I picked up Legend). Thank goodness, Dallas customs is very easy to get to. But, before I could go to customs, I had to wait on paperwork, that came with Apollo.
Before I knew it, I heard a puppy in the holding area. I was hoping it was Apollo, and it was! But, the personnel at Delta would not let me past a yellow line. Let me tell you, Apollo was not a happy camper.
I made it to customs and back with no problem, and was ready to get my puppy. He had quieted down by that time. I got him out of his crate to see if he had to go potty (it was a good 24 hours. There was a 7 hour layover in Atlanta). And he is just so full of happiness. He is very social, and oh so happy.
After letting him stretch his legs, it was time to get him in the van for the ride back home. He was not happy, but, settled down after about 30 min.
He is 4 weeks older than the Emily/Victor pups, and plays nicely, except when it comes to toys. If he sees one of the other pups with a toy, he immediately goes and takes it away, even though, he may have a toy of his own.
He was not paper trained, but, quickly learned that papers are his potty area inside the kennel or expen inside. He's a pro, like the other pups. Making cleanup a much easier task.
Legend was not too keen on the idea, but, he has changed his mind, and is very good with Apollo. Katherine and Mona, on the other hand, think he is a toy, and want to destroy. So, until Apollo gets a little older, the two girls will not be playing with him. I was really quite disappointed, as, they play very well with Emily's pups, but, Emily is there to let Katherine and Mona know when they get out of hand. She doesn't protect Apollo, because he isn't her baby.
I'm hoping Apollo will be a star in the showring, and a star in the breeding program. But, I won't love him any less if it was not meant to be. I won't pressure him. It's time to be a puppy, and that's what he will be for now.