Not true, I know a little, about baby puppies.
Emily finally had her babies, Tuesday, Sept. 9. 3 days past her due date.
One was natural, and the other two had to be surgically removed.
I thought she was going to have them Sunday, when I thought her water had broken.
Her temp. stayed steady at 99.2, but no babies that day, though I could tell they were ready. It looked as though they were playing tug-of-war or soccer in there! I had never seen anything like it. I wish I had a video of it to show you, it was too weird!
I have a camera set up in the kennel, where I can watch on a small television in the house.
Late Monday evening, I heard something from the monitor, jumped up thinking it was babies, but noone is in the box. Go up to the kennel, and Em is sitting by the gate of the whelping pen wanting out. I let her out, thinking she had to go potty, and she makes a beeline for the house. She wants to have babies in the house. I don't think so.
I had planned to take her to the vet that day as it was, because she was late, and I just wanted to be sure that things were OK in there.
We're sitting in the waiting room, and her water breaks, Oh great! I really don't want to be whelping puppies on the vet office floor. He finally comes to get her, gets her on the table, doesn't feel anything in the birth canal, so we take x-rays, and count 3 heads.
Give her oxytocin here at the vet's or wait until we get home. I opt to give her the injection at home. Give her the oxy at 10:15 a.m., and at 10:45 she has the first little black girl.
So, I call the owner of the stud dog, (cuz this is his first), and she comes over around noon. No more pups yet, which isn't uncommon for Emily. She usually takes up to 2 hours between pups. The vet calls around 1:15 inquiring as to progression. I tell him she's had one at 10:45 ( I hadn't realized it had been 2 1/1 hours since the first). And the vet advises giving her another pit shot, and if nothing give one more. Well, I only had one more shot to give, so I went to his office to get another dose. This is around 3. He advises that if she doesn't do anything by 4:15, I'd better think of other options, i.e. a c-section. Get home and give her a 3rd (total) shot, and by 4, still nothing, so we load up Mom and the one baby and head to the vet's.
He gets her prepped, and I ask to be inside the OR, which he obliged. Cuts her open, and proceeds to get the grey boy.
Moments later, comes this girl, (While checking the layout of the photos, I see they're all at the beginning of the blog. Not what I intended. Not sure how to change, so will leave as is.)
Thus far, everyone is doing great. The boy isn't as heavy as the girls, but, he's fat. It took him a little longer to figure out how to find the food bar, but, he's got it down pat, now.
While taking photos of the kids, my battery on my camera went dead, and while changing batteries, well, that's a whole other blog.
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