Originally, the phrase "Three Dog Night", would be made in reference to how cold it was.
At my house, that phrase takes on a whole new meaning. And it is now "Five Dog Night", as that's how many dogs sleep in my kingsize bed with me.
I have 6 Siberians, but, Apollo chooses to sleep on the floor. I guess I can't exactly blame him, as it is quite crowded in the bed.
Problem with all the kids, is they manage to get in bed before I do. If I could only train them to turn out lights, turn off the TV, check all the doors, etc. before going to bed, I MIGHT have a fighting chance of getting to my "spot" before they do!
For now, I usually just say "Can I come to bed?", and some (not all) will oblige and move to another corner or shift so I can squeeze in.
And that's just fine with me, cuz I love them and can only hope they love me half as much.
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